This is my page on home automation, nothing fancy, just my own creations to my life easier.
Home Automation
Parts that I used to make this happen.
I wrote my own arduino code, I am sure it can be done better and cleaner, but this works for me. I am still thinking about adding more Homekit compatibility, but I am not an programmer/coder. I would like to have some kind of status report back to Homekit/Homebridge so I can tell if the curtains are open or closed but that might never happen as longs as this code does what it needs to do.
The curtains close when it gets dark outside and they open again when it gets light outside, no manual actions required there. I added some kind of Homekit support by means of a webserver setup with two embedded links, one to open and one to close the curtains by manual override the light sensor.
AccelStepper stepper(1, 5, 6); //setup the steppermotor
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 20, 4); //setup LCD screen
boolean CURTAIN_STATE = false; //state of the curtains, open or closed
boolean CURTAIN_MAN = false; //state of control, automatic or manually
int DRIVER_ENABLE = 9; //pin to enable or disable the stepper driver
int RELAY1_PIN = 8; //pin for the relay to activate the sensor for the back curtains
//int RELAY2_PIN = 7; //pin for the relay to activate the sensor for the back curtains
int SENSOR_PIN = A3; //pin for the LDR sensor
int LIGHT_THRESHOLD = 125; //threshold for opening the curtains
int DARK_THRESHOLD = 25; //threshold for closing the curtains
unsigned int SENSOR_VALUE = 0;
unsigned int MAPPED_VALUE = 0;
unsigned int RELAY1_VALUE = 0;
//unsigned int RELAY2_VALUE = 0;
unsigned long CURRENT_TIME = 0;
long INTERVAL = 5000; //time between LDR readings
byte mac[] = { 0x86, 0xB4, 0xEF, 0x8E, 0xA3, 0x17 }; //network MAC address
byte myip[] = { 192, 168, 1, 2 };//network IP address
byte gwip[] = { 192, 168, 1, 1 };//network gateway IP address
byte dnsip[] = { 192, 168, 1, 1 }; //network DNS server address
EthernetServer server(80); //setup webserver TCP Port
void setup() {
pinMode(RELAY1_PIN, OUTPUT); //setup the relay-pin as output
//pinMode(RELAY2_PIN, OUTPUT); //setup the relay-pin as output
digitalWrite(RELAY1_PIN, LOW); //make sure the relay-pin is LOW
//digitalWrite(RELAY2_PIN, LOW); //make sure the relay-pin is LOW
pinMode(DRIVER_ENABLE, OUTPUT); //setup the driver-pin as output
digitalWrite(DRIVER_ENABLE, LOW); //make sure the driver is set to disabled, the curtains can run free now
Serial.begin(9600); //setup the serial connection for troubleshooting
lcd.init(); // initialiseer het LCD scherm
lcd.backlight(); // zet de backlight aan
lcd.clear(); // wis het scherm
lcd.setCursor(3, 0); // zet de cursor op positie 1, regel 1
lcd.print("Curtain status"); // schrijf op scherm
lcd.setCursor(1, 1); // zet de cursor op positie 1, regel 2
lcd.print("LDR value:"); // schrijf op scherm
lcd.setCursor(1, 2); // zet de cursor op positie 1, regel 3
lcd.print("Curtains mode "); // schrijf op scherm
lcd.setCursor(1, 3); // zet de cursor op positie 1, regel 4
lcd.print("Curtains are "); // schrijf op scherm
Ethernet.begin(mac, myip, gwip, dnsip); //start the ethernet connection
server.begin(); //start the webserver for remote control by Homebridge
stepper.setMaxSpeed(5500); //set the speed of the steppermotor
stepper.setAcceleration(4000); //set the acceleration for the steppermotor
void loop() {
auto_open(); //if it is light outside and the cutains are closed, open the curtains automatically
auto_close(); //if it is dark outside and the curtains are open, close the curtains automatically
EthernetClient client = server.available();
if (client) {
Serial.println("new client");
boolean currentLineIsBlank = true;
String postText = "";
while (client.connected()) {
if (client.available()) {
char c =;
if (postText.length() < 10) {
postText += c;
if (c == '\n' && currentLineIsBlank) {
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.println("Content-Type: text/html");
client.println("Connection: close");
client.println(" ArduinoLeonardoCurtains ");